CD-DVD Publishers and CD-DVD Printers

Visualize for a moment… your CD / DVD duplication business is doing well, production has increased, customers are placing steady stream of orders for publishing multiple copies of CDs and DVDs. In fact, they also want you to print colorful, high quality labels on CDs and DVDs.

How do you go about it? Do you print them one by one? Or do you batch process few CDs / DVDs at a time? These options are no longer feasible as they consume a lot of time and effort. Productivity and unit cost are also at a premium since cost per disc won’t make business sense.

At this juncture that you need to re-evaluate your CD / DVD duplication and printing solutions, XLNT Idea is one of the leading companies in the market providing CD / DVD Publishers and Printers. Its range caters to small, medium and large companies. It distinguishes its products by leveraging latest technology and offering attractive pricing prepositions.

Its Nexis product line is popular with clients and includes DVD / CD Publishers and Printers. Both publishers and printers can publish and print onto multiple media simultaneously. The DVD / CD Publishing range comprises Nexis Pro 100 DVD RM with Integrated PC, Nexis Pro 100 DVD, Nexis Plus 100 and Nexis Pro BlackJack DVD. On the other hand, The DVD / CD Printers range includes Nexis Pro 100 Auto Printer, Nexis Pro BlackJack AP and Xi440 CD/DVD Printer BLK. These products are priced competitively and suit different budgets.

If you are printing labels for clients, then you want the best of the best. The Nexis line of CD / DVD Printers are quite suitable for your business needs. In fact, these printers support 6-color photo quality as opposed to 4-color photo quality provided by competitors. Moreover, they are designed for high color cartridges whereas the market usually provides just 1 CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) and 1 K (Black). They can also print business Cards.

Now take a look at the Nexis line of CD / DVD Publishers that are fitted with independent robotic arms [also available on printers] whereas competitors normally depend on drives on belt. The robotic arm makes the process faster and efficient. Interestingly, there are also hybrid products in the Nexis range that can publish and print CDs and DVDs simultaneously. These publishers also come with in-built ripping unique to XLNT Idea. Therefore, separate software is not required.

XLNT Idea’s products are also more robust and last longer despite heavy workloads. XLNT Idea offers free technical support and network access. If you have done your homework, you will observe that competitors charge for these features.

In summary, evaluate your business needs thoroughly. Survey the market keeping in mind the outstanding products already discussed here. And of course, buy the product(s) that are a good fit for you business at economic pricing.

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